WordPress Performance Tune Up
Faster websites for faster conversions.
Website performance is essential to your brand image and conversion rate. Slow websites present higher costs for server resources, produce lower search results, and increase overhead by way of lost revenue.
Whether you are a blogger, an artist or SMB, the first impression of your site is critical when converting visitors to customers. Your site may be pretty to look at, but it probably needs a website performance tuneup.
How Fast Load Time = $ Saved & Higher ROI
Load times of your site may not seem essential, but they are in fact the top deterrent for visitors.
$2.5 million
Lost sales in 1 year’s time due to a 1 second page delay.
(assumes e-comm site, netting $100k/day)

1 Second
The delayed amount of time (equivalent to 3 seconds of waiting) that decreases visitor satisfaction by 16% and conversion by 7%.

How Fast Should A Website Load?
Data from Google, Amazon and other authorities suggests sites with load times in excess of 3 seconds lead to high bounce rates. These bounce rates record the percentage of visitors who leave a site before it has completely loaded on screen. Lowering bounce rates has a measurable effect in conversion and time-on-site (purchases, additional browsing).

Is Website Performance Different From SEO?
In the past, site performance and SEO weren’t directly related. However, as of 2014, Google now includes site performance (especially on mobile devices) within a site’s ranking. If your site hasn’t been optimized for mobile devices, you’re missing out on at least 60% more traffic.

Affordability is paramount for small business website needs. As such, we aggressively price our WordPress Performance Tune Up services.
Most sites can be fully performance tuned for $350. Some restrictions apply. Receive a free appraisal of your site by filling out the form.
Test Your Site’s Performance
Complete the form below for a free, no-obligation performance evaluation of your website.